New TDF policy regarding 'Promotion of non-listed manufacturers'

Since December 29th, 2016, on TDF a new policy regarding 'Promotion of non-listed manufacturers' is in place. This is the notification all vendors got:

Notice to all TDF listed vendors

TDF supports listed manufacturers and vendors by providing the world's largest platform to promote and discuss love dolls.
With the increased growth of the doll market and with more vendors and manufacturers asking to become listed at TDF, we, TDF, had to temporary stop new vendors and manufacturers of TPE dolls.

We are working on a policy to allow a few new manufacturers to become listed in 2017. Proof of good product quality (safety) and good customer services will be part of our new policy for listed manufacturers and vendors. We want both our members and sellers to benefit from being on TDF.

This is the critical part:

In order to support listed manufacturers, we can't allow active promotion of non-listed manufacturers. We kindly ask all vendors on TDF to stop active promotion for dolls sourced from non-listed manufacturers. All vendors can of course sell whatever dolls they like on their own website, however we ask that you don't actively prompt none listed dolls on TDF.

If you have any further questions, then please contact us on this matter.

Thank you for understanding and thank you for supporting TDF.

Kind regards,
TDF Management

This policy implies severe restrictions which brands can be mentioned, which logos can be shown, and which links to external websites can be placed. Also it affects the naming of dolls and - especially - the introduction of new brands or manufacturers.

To view more pictures from New TDF policy regarding 'Promotion of non-listed manufacturers', please click on the thumbnails on the left.