WM Doll

Recently, WM Doll released photos with the brand new WM-148 body style and no. 108 head (Jinshan no. 108).

The WM-148 is a medium-sized & super busty body shape.

Recently, WM Doll released more photos with the WM-158 body style and no. 108 head (Jinshan no. 108).

The WM-158 is a life-sized body shape with natural curves - she's a classic!

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the WM-158 body style and no. 108 head (Jinshan no. 108).

The WM-158 is a life-sized body shape with natural curves - she's a classic!

The WM-148/L is a TPE love doll by WM Doll. The doll has a body height of about 148 cm [4ft8] and weights ca. 29 kg [63.9 lbs] (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 94 cm [37 in] (bust) × 50cm [19.7 in] (waist) × 80cm [31.5 in] (hips).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPE
WM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with OEM head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - TPEWM Doll WM-148 body style with head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - factory photoWM Doll WM-148 body style with head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - factory photoWM Doll WM-148 body style with head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - factory photoWM Doll WM-148 body style with head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - factory photoWM Doll WM-148 body style with head no. 126 (Jinshan no. 126) - factory photo
1.690€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

SH2WM is an adapter that allows to connect heads by Sanhui with an WM Doll or WM Dolls body.

Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter SH2WM - Sanhui head onto WM Doll/WM Dolls body
Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter SH2WM - Sanhui head onto WM Doll/WM Dolls bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter SH2WM - Sanhui head onto WM Doll/WM Dolls bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter SH2WM - Sanhui head onto WM Doll/WM Dolls body
109€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

WM2SH is an adapter that allows to connect heads by WM Doll or WM Dolls with an Sanhui body.

Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter WM2SH - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto Sanhui body
Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter WM2SH - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto Sanhui bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter WM2SH - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto Sanhui bodyDollstudio DollWorks Adapter WM2SH - WM Doll/WM Dolls head onto Sanhui body
109€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

WM Doll Upgraded skeleton

WM Doll (Logo)
Upgraded skeleton

The Upgraded skeleton is an invidually customizable option available for TPE love dolls by WM Doll and WM Dolls.

The upgraded skeleton features a hinged neck and has shrugging shoulders.

Jinshan upgraded skeleton - WM Doll, WM Dolls, YL Doll, OR Doll etc.
Jinshan upgraded skeleton with shrugging
Upgraded skeleton with shrugging shoulders - YL Doll
Product Specification Ops
WM Dolls WM-T172/F body style aka G8 and no. 266 head (Jinsan no. 266) - TPE WM Dolls WM-T172/F (G8)

The WM-T172/F aka G8 is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-T172/F has a body height of about 172 cm with head and weights ca. 43,5 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 85 cm (breasts) / 55 cm (waist) / 95 cm (hips) / 63 cm (under bust) / 27,5 cm (neck) / 36 cm (shoulders) / 24 cm (arm girth) / 50 cm (thigh girth) / 32 cm (calf girth) / 95 cm (inner leg length) / 85 cm (outer leg length) / 23 cm (foot length).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Size: 172 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Breasts: 85 cm
Waist: 55 cm
Hips: 95 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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Angel Kiss AK-S160 body style aka AK12 and LS34 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S160 (AK12)

The AK-S160 aka AK12 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 160 cm (incl. head) and weights ca. 34 kg, also with head (manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 69 cm (breasts) / 56 cm (waist) / 93 cm (hips) / 59 cm (under bust) / 36 cm (shoulder width) / 51 cm (thigh girth) / 33 cm (shin girth) / 59 cm (arm length) / 24 cm (arm girth) / 82 cm (leg length) / 14 cm (wrist) / 21 cm (foot) / 64 cm (MTV, mouth to vagina).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 160 cm
Weight: 34 kg
Breasts: 69 cm
Waist: 56 cm
Hips: 93 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.320€

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Angel Kiss AK-S167/A body style aka AK16 with LS45 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S167/A (AK16)

The AK-S167/A aka AK16 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 167 cm (incl. head) and weights ca. 27,5 kg (without head; manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 68 cm (breasts) / 57 cm (waist) / 97 cm (hips) / 66 cm (under bust) / 36 cm (shoulder width) / 51 cm (thigh girth) / 31 cm (calf girth) / 70 cm (arm length) / 24,5 (arm circumference) / 81 cm (inner leg length) / 19 cm (ankle girth) / 70 cm (MTV, mouth to vagina distance).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 167 cm
Weight: 28 kg
Breasts: 78 cm
Waist: 57 cm
Hips: 97 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.082€

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Angel Kiss AK-172/A AIO body style aka AK25 and LS50 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S172/A AIO (AK25)

The AK-S172/A aka AK25 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This tall doll has a body height of about 172 cm incl. head and weights ca. 38,5 kg (manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone; she is an AIO type (= All In One) with seamless (non detachable, non replacable) head.

Body measurements: 81 cm (breasts) / 65 cm (waist) / 92 cm (hips) / 68 cm (under bust) / 36 cm (shoulder) / 52 cm (thigh girth) / 34 cm (calf girth) / 69 cm (arm length) / 22 cm (arm girth) / 85 cm (inner leg length) / 93 cm (outer leg length) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable. However, since the head is seamlessly attached to the body, model AK25 will always be shipped with the depicted LS50 head.

Size: 172 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Breasts: 81 cm
Waist: 65 cm
Hips: 92 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.320€

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Angel Kiss AK-S157 body style aka AK6 with LS46 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S157 (AK6)

The AK-S157 aka AK6 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 157 cm (with head) respectively 141 cm (without head) and weights ca. 28 kg (without head; manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 75 cm (breasts) / 52 cm (waist) / 93 cm (hips) / 54 cm (under bust) / 34 cm (shoulder) / 54 cm (thigh girth) / 34 cm (calf girth) / 66 cm (arm length) / 21,5 cm (arm girth) / 77 cm (inner leg length) / 20 cm (foot length) / 62 cm (mouth to vagina distance [MTV]).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 157 cm
Weight: 28 kg
Breasts: 75 cm
Waist: 52 cm
Hips: 93 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 2.559€

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Angel Kiss AK-S168 body style aka AK8 with LS35 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S168 (AK8)

The AK-S168/D aka AK17 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 168 cm (incl. head) and weights ca. 27 kg (without head; manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 77 cm (breasts) / 55 cm (waist) / 95 cm (hips) / 60 cm (under bust) / 37 cm (shoulder) / 51 cm (thigh girth) / 33 cm (shin girth) / 64 cm (arm length) / 23 cm (arm girth) / 84 cm (inside leg length/inseam) / 13 cm (wrist girth) / 19 cm (ankle girth) / 71 cm (mouth to vagina distance [MTV]).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 168 cm
Weight: 27 kg
Breasts: 77 cm
Waist: 55 cm
Hips: 95 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.082€

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Angel Kiss AK-S167/D body style aka AK17 with no. 266 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S167/D (AK17)

The AK-S167/D aka AK17 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 167 cm (incl. head) and weights ca. 31 kg (without head; manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 82 cm (breasts) / 57 cm (waist) / 99 cm (hips) / 63 cm (under bust) / 26 cm (neck circumference) / 41 cm (shoulder width) / 55 cm (thigh girth) / 36 cm (calf girth) / 61 cm (arm length) / 24 cm (upper arm length) / 96 cm (outer leg length) / 84 cm (inner leg length) / 20,5 cm (ankle girth) / 21,5 cm (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 167 cm
Weight: 31 kg
Breasts: 82 cm
Waist: 57 cm
Hips: 99 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.082€

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Angel Kiss AK-S162/B body style aka AK7 with LS50 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S162/B (AK7)

The AK-S162/B aka AK7 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 162 cm (incl. head) respectively 144 cm (without head) and weights ca. 31 kg (without head; manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 72 cm (breasts) / 52 cm (waist) / 91,5 cm (hips) / 58 cm (under bust) / 35 cm (shoulder width) / 49 cm (thigh girth) / 32,5 cm (shin girth) / 64 cm (arm length) / 22 cm (arm girth) / 13 cm (wrist girth) / 77 cm (inseam / inside leg length) / 18 cm (ankle girth) / 67 cm (MTV [mouth to vagina]).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 162 cm
Weight: 31 kg
Breasts: 72 cm
Waist: 52 cm
Hips: 92 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 3.082€

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Angel Kiss AK-S168/G body style aka AK11 and LS4 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S168/G (AK11)

The AK-S168/G aka AK11 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This tall doll has a body height of about 168 cm (with head) and weights ca. 37 kg (manufacturer specs).

The doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 82 cm (breasts) / 54 cm (waist) / 87 cm (hips) / 60 cm (under bust) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 168 cm
Weight: 37 kg
Breasts: 82 cm
Waist: 54 cm
Hips: 87 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 2.844€

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Angel Kiss AK-S164/C aka AK20 body style with LS50 head - silicone Angel Kiss AK-S164/C2 (AK20)

The AK-S164/C aka AK20 is a life-sized female love doll by Angel Kiss. This doll has a body height of about 164 cm (incl. head) and weights ca. 29 kg (manufacturer specs).

This doll is made of silicone.

Body measurements: 80 cm (breasts) / 56 cm (waist) / 93 cm (hips) / 63 cm (under bust) / 28 cm (neck circumference) / 30 cm (shoulder width) / 52 cm (thigh circumference) / 30 cm (calf circumference) / 82 cm (outer leg) / 77 cm (inner leg) / 29 cm (upper arm) / 19 cm (foot length).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 164 cm
Weight: 29 kg
Breasts: 80 cm
Waist: 56 cm
Hips: 93 cm
Material: Silicone

Price: 2.963€

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WM Doll Traditional skeleton

WM Doll (Logo)
Traditional skeleton

The Traditional skeleton is an invidually customizable option available for TPE love dolls by WM Doll and WM Dolls.

The traditional skeleton uses gooseneck and has no shrugging shoulders.

Jinshan traditional skeleton - WM Doll, WM Dolls, YL Doll, OR Doll etc.
Product Specification Ops
WM Dolls WM-T172/F body style aka G8 and no. 266 head (Jinsan no. 266) - TPE WM Dolls WM-T172/F (G8)

The WM-T172/F aka G8 is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-T172/F has a body height of about 172 cm with head and weights ca. 43,5 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 85 cm (breasts) / 55 cm (waist) / 95 cm (hips) / 63 cm (under bust) / 27,5 cm (neck) / 36 cm (shoulders) / 24 cm (arm girth) / 50 cm (thigh girth) / 32 cm (calf girth) / 95 cm (inner leg length) / 85 cm (outer leg length) / 23 cm (foot length).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Size: 172 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Breasts: 85 cm
Waist: 55 cm
Hips: 95 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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WM Dolls WM-172/D body style with no. 273 head (Jinsan no. 273) - TPE WM Dolls WM-172/D

The WM-172/D is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-172/D has a body height of about 172 cm and weights ca. 38 kg.

Body measurements: 89 cm (breasts) x 61 cm (waist) x 88 cm (hips).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Size: 172 cm
Weight: 38 kg
Breasts: 89 cm
Waist: 61 cm
Hips: 88 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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WM Dolls WM-160/B body style with no. 432 head (Jinsan no. 432) - TPE WM Dolls WM-160/B

The WM-160/B is a life-sized female love doll with a body height of about 160 cm by WM Dolls.

This doll is made of TPE and weights about 32 kg (with head, manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 73 cm (breasts) / 48 cm (waist) / 83 cm (hips) / 56 cm (under bust circumference) / 33 cm (shoulder width) / 44 cm (thighs) / 29,5 cm (calf) / 77 cm (inner leg length) / 23 cm (upper arm girth) / 13 cm (wrist girth) / 66 cm (arm length) / 19 cm (ankle girth) / 66 cm (mouth to vagina distance [MTV]).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just as you are used from WM Dolls.

Size: 160 cm
Weight: 32 kg
Breasts: 73 cm
Waist: 48 cm
Hips: 83 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.809€

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WM Dolls WM-165/G body style with no. 359 head (Jinsan no. 359) - TPE WM Dolls WM-165/G

The WM-165/G is a life-sized female love doll by WM Dolls. This curvy doll has a body height of about 165 cm and weights ca. 40,2 kg (manufacturer specs).

The doll is made of TPE.

Body measurements: 89 cm (breasts) x 54,5 cm (waist) x 98 cm (hips) / 64 cm (under bust circumference) / 53,5 cm (thigh girth) / 35 cm (calf girth) / 23 cm (arm girth) / 37 cm (shoulder width) / 81 cm (inner leg length) / 64 cm (arm length) / 20 cm (foot length) / 67 cm (mouth to vagina [MTV]).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 165 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Breasts: 89 cm
Waist: 55 cm
Hips: 98 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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WM Dolls WM-160/A body style with no. 173 head (Jinsan no. 173) - TPE WM Dolls WM-160/A

The WM-160/A is a life-sized female love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-160/A has a body height of about 160 cm (63 inches) and weights ca. 34 kg (with head).

The doll is made of TPE.

Body measurements: 69 cm (bust) / 54 cm (waist) / 93 cm (hips) / 60 cm (under bust) / 37 cm (shoulder width) / 62 cm (arm length) / 22 cm (arm girth) / 82 cm (leg length) / 47 cm (thigh girth) / 31 cm (calf girth) / 63 cm (MTV).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just as you are used from WM Dolls.

Size: 160 cm
Weight: 34 kg
Breasts: 69 cm
Waist: 54 cm
Hips: 93 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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WM Dolls WM-172/B body style with no. 70 head - TPE WM Dolls WM-172/B

The WM-172/B is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-172/B has a body height of about 172 cm (5 ft 6 in) and weights ca. 38.5 kg (85 lbs).

Body measurements: 79 cm / 31.1 in (breasts) x 58 cm / 22.8 in (waist) x 86 cm / 33.9 in (hips).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Size: 172 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Breasts: 79 cm
Waist: 58 cm
Hips: 86 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 2.011€

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YL Doll YL-160/L SE body style with ›Regina‹ head (Jinsan no. 356) - TPE YL Doll YL-160/L SE

The YL-160/L SE (SE = special edition) is a life-sized female doll by YL Doll. This voluptuous TPE love doll features large breasts and protruding hips. Her body size is about 160 cm (with head) respectively 143 cm (without head); she weights ca 39.5 kg (according to the manufacturer's specifications).

Body measurements: 98 cm (upper breasts) / 57 cm (under breasts) / 58 cm (waist) / 103 cm (hips) / 34 cm (shoulder) / 64 cm (arm) / 96 cm (outside leg) / 77 cm (inner leg) / 56.5 cm (leg circumference) / 33.5 cm (calf circuference) / 21 cm (foot length).

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from YL Doll.

Size: 160 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Breasts: 98 cm
Waist: 58 cm
Hips: 103 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 2.699€

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WM Dolls WM-156/H body style with no. 233 head (Jinsan no. 233) - TPE WM Dolls WM-156/H

The WM-156/H is a life-sized female TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The curvy WM-156/H has a body height of ca. 156 cm and weights about 39.5 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 93 cm × 54 cm × 96 cm (B×W×H) / 28 cm (neck) / 35 cm (shoulder) / 93 cm (upper bust) / 65 cm (under bust) / 63 cm (arm length) / 24.5 cm (arm circumference) / 17 cm (hand) / 83 cm (leg) / 56 cm (thigh circumference) / 34 cm (calf circumfence) / 20.5 cm (foot).

Many attributes of this doll can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

Size: 156 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Breasts: 93 cm
Waist: 54 cm
Hips: 96 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.773€

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YL Doll YL-171/L body style with ›Rosalia‹ head (Jinsan no. 316) - TPE YL Doll YL-171/L

The YL-171 is a life-sized female love doll by YL Doll. The YL-171 has a body height of about 171 cm and weights about 43,8 kg (manufacturer specs). This doll is made of TPE.

Body measurements: 104 cm × 67 cm × 88 cm (BWH) / 45 cm (shoulder) / 69 cm (under bust) / 16 cm (arm [?]) / 90 cm (leg) / 51 cm (thigh circumference) / 30 cm (calf circumference) / 21 cm (foot)

Many attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors – just like you are used from YL Doll.

Size: 171 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Breasts: 104 cm
Waist: 67 cm
Hips: 88 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 2.130€

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WM Dolls WM-171/H body style with no. 160 head - TPE WM Dolls WM-171/H

The WM-171/H is a life-sized TPE love doll by WM Dolls. The WM-171/H has a body height of about 171 cm and weights ca. 35.5 kg.

Body measurements: 82 cm (breasts) x 43 cm (waist) x 83 cm (hips).

Many of attributes may be customized individually; for example, you can select different skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Size: 171 cm
Weight: 36 kg
Breasts: 82 cm
Waist: 43 cm
Hips: 83 cm
Material: TPE

Price: 1.892€

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Head no. 175 (Jinsan no. 175) is a female head by WM Dolls.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head can be customized individually; for example, the skin tone, the eye color, and the hair color is configurable.

WM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPE
WM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPEWM Dolls no. 175 head with WM-165 body style - TPE
524€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Recently, WM Doll released new photos with the updated WM-163 body style and no. 106 head (Jinshan no. 106) in tanned skin tone.

The WM-163 is a life-sized TPE love doll with a realistic body shape.

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